
Rainmeter gauge
Rainmeter gauge

The configuration has 3 columns: Title, Index and Value. If you are not sure how to track sensors from HWiNFO, please follow the "Setting up HWiNFO" section in this guide. There you have to check what Index Value corresponds to the GPU Temperature Sensor and then Input that number in the "Gauge Sensor" line in the configurator. Double click on the gauge to open the list, click on the right side circle to open the configuration, now click on "Show HWiNFO Index Values", a tab in your browser will open with the current sensors you are tracking. You gotta input the correct index value for the gpu temp sensor. Thoughts?įull disclosure: I'm a total n00b at watercooling and gauge displays/Rainmeter. I cannot get the GPU gauge to list the temp on my GPU, it automatically shows the temp associated to my CPU, no matter what sensor I choose. TheScourge wrote: ↑ January 15th, 2023, 3:46 am

Rainmeter gauge